
CALC partners with its member congregations to: roster, train and discipline an ordained Pastorate for the administration of the Means of Grace, and a consecrated Diaconate for service in the church.

The Clergy Roster

CALC’s clergy are rostered in one of the following four categories: (1) Parish Pastor; (2) Pastor Emeritus; (3) Pastor in Extended Ministry; or (4) Diaconal Minister. Click on each classification below to read more.

Admission to and continuing on the Roster

Pastors and Diaconal Ministers are admitted to the roster upon their acceptance of a call to a CALC congregation or to an Extended Ministry approved by CALC. In the case of a Pastor Emeritus, upon the Board of Elders approval of the pastor’s application for roster as a Pastor Emeritus. If you wish to be considered for call by a CALC congregation please contact CALC’s Managing Director.

Once admitted to the Roster of Clergy, the candidate remains on the roster until he/she resigns, retires or is removed from the roster under a congregation’s governing documents or CALC’s governing documents.

For additional information on admission to and continuing on CALC’s Roster of Pastors click here.

Clergy Roster: Click here for a copy of CALC’s most recent Clergy Roster.

Assisting Congregations in the Call Process: CALC congregations are responsible for the call of their pastor. CALC has prepared resources to assist congregations in the call of a Parish Pastor. These resources are found by clicking here.


The Program: CALC’s Shepherd’s Pathway to Pastoral Ministry (“Shepherd’s Pathway”) is the program, approved by our congregations, by which CALC’s future pastors are trained. For more information on this program click here.

Seminary: The Institute of Lutheran Theology (ILT) of Brookings, SD, USA, is CALC’s seminary. ILT is an accredited seminary which utilizes online video conferencing to create a virtual classroom. ILT’s virtual campus allows a candidate to train for ministry without leaving home. All theological training for the Shepherd’s Pathway can be completed at ILT. To access ILT’s website click here.


Grounds for Discipline. A pastor or deacon serving a congregation of CALC may be suspended from his/her duties or dismissed and his/or her call to the congregation terminated for certain causes. CALC’s independent congregations are ultimately responsible for applying discipline to their pastors and deacons and must follow their governing documents in the process. A congregation’s decision is final; however, a congregation can request assistance from CALC. The process is described below. More detailed information is found by clicking on each category below.