MINISTRY – Roster of Pastors: Admission & Continuance
Admission to the Roster of Pastors:
Pastors are admitted to CALC’s Roster of Pastors as follows:
Incumbent Pastor of a Congregation Joining CALC. Ordained pastors serving a congregation at the time their congregation joins CALC are admitted to the Roster of Pastors as a Parish Pastor when their congregation is admitted as a member of CALC.
Pastors Called by a Member Congregation. Ordained Pastors called by a CALC congregation are admitted to the Roster of Pastors as a Parish Pastor on the date that the pastor assumes his/her duties under the letter of call issued by a CALC congregation.
Pastors in Extended Ministry. Those called or endorsed by CALC to an Extended Ministry, shall be admitted to CALC’s Roster of Pastors either upon: the receipt of their endorsement by the Board of Elders or their assumption of duties under the terms of their call to extended ministry.
Pastors Emeriti. Ordained pastors who have applied for status of Pastors Emeriti shall be admitted to CALC’s Roster of Pastors upon the National Council’s approval of said application for admission to CALC’s roster as a Pastor Emeritus.
Candidates for Ordination. Pastoral candidates ordained in response to a call by a CALC congregation shall be admitted to the Roster of Pastors upon their ordination.
Continuing on the Roster of Pastors: Pastors are admitted to the Roster of Pastors by reason on an active call to: parish ministry in CALC, emeritus ministry or extended ministry. Pastors admitted to CALC’s Roster of Pastors remain on said roster until their names are removed by reason of their retirement, disability, resignation from their call, death, dismissal, termination, or the imposition of discipline (provided, that, the discipline imposed upon the pastor, included the removal of said pastor’s name from CALC’s Roster of Pastors).
CALC does not maintain a roster for pastors on leave from call or between calls. Pastors on leave from call or between calls are encouraged to apply to become Individual Associate Members of CALC, or if qualified, for status as an emeritus pastor, thereby maintaining a relationship with CALC. Pastors on leave from call, or between calls, may apply for vacancies in CALC congregations and if called by a CALC congregation will forthwith be placed on the roster of pastors.