Resources for Congregations. CALC congregations are responsible for the vetting and call of their pastors. Member and Associate Member congregations may utilize CALC’s available resources to assist them with the call process. The following resources are available to congregations in the call of a Parish Pastor.
Website: Pastoral vacancies are advertised under the VACANCY/CALL page of CALC’s website.
Office of the President: CALC’s model constitution states: a Member Congregation may choose to seek the advice and counsel of the President of CALC and utilize CALC’s available resources to assist with the call process. The President’s assistance can include sharing information on pastors known to the President who have expressed an interest in serving in a CALC congregation assisting the congregation in advertising the congregations pastoral vacancy and assisting congregations in vetting candidates (including participating in the interview of candidates).
The Board of Elders: CALC’s Board of Elders (BOE) can be called upon by any Member Congregation to assist in the call of a Parish Pastor.
Call Package. The purpose of the Call Package is to provide guidelines and resources for CALC congregations who are in the process of calling a pastor. These materials define and describe the office of the Ministry of Word and Sacrament together with qualifications for the office. CALC’s Pastor-in Training option is introduced. Practical steps for a congregation to follow through the call process are included. Various appendices are attached to the manual including: a form used for the establishment of a congregational profile; CALC’s Statement of Faith and Purpose; an Application for Entry into Pastoral Ministry in a CALC Congregation; CALC’s Salary Guidelines; and a standard Letter of Call. Click here for access to an electronic copy of the Call Package.
The Shepherd’s Pathway to Pastoral Ministry. CALC’s Shepherd’s Pathway to Pastoral Ministry (“Shepherd’s Pathway”) is the program, approved by our congregations, by which CALC’s future pastors are trained. Click here for more information on this program. To access the application form to be utilized by any candidate who wishes to enroll in the Shepherd’s Pathway click here.
Application for Entry into Pastoral Ministry in a CALC Congregation. This form may be used by member congregations to collect information on a potential candidate for pastoral ministry in a CALC congregation. Click here to access the application.
Pastor-in-Training Program. Candidates for the pastoral ministry become aware of their gifts and God’s call in various ways. Some become aware at a critical moment in their lives or the life of their congregation. Some are urged by others in the church to consider their call. Some struggle for years with their call and their circumstances. During a time of pastoral vacancy congregations should look within for members who may be experiencing a call from God to enter the pastoral ministry. The Institute of Lutheran Theology (ILT), CALC’s online seminary, allows a candidate for the pastoral ministry to engage in a course of study acceptable to CALC and the Congregation, in order to attain theological education while simultaneously serving in the calling congregation. The potential candidate would first have to enroll in the Shepherd’s Pathway to Ministry (See paragraph 6 above).
CALC has prepared the Pastor-in-Training (PIT) Call Package is to provide guidelines and resources for CALC congregations who are considering calling a pastor-in-training. Practical steps for a congregation to follow through the call process are included. Various appendices are attached to the manual including: an Application For Entry Into Shepherd’s Pathway; CALC’s Statement of Faith and Purpose; a model Letter of Call together with some guidelines for its various terms; and forms that can be used to evaluate the PIT’s progress. Click here for access to an electronic copy of the PIT Call Package.
Letters of Call. CALC has developed a model letters of call for a Parish Pastor.
Guidelines. CALC has developed guidelines for assisting a congregation in negotiating compensation under a letter of call to a parish pastor.