Membership in CALC imposes no financial obligations on our members.
Our Association depends entirely on voluntary donations from our congregations and individual members. We ask our members to direct their benevolence dollars to CALC’s general fund which pays for our Association’s administrative expenses, conventions, and expenses associated with supporting the ministry of our congregations.
CALC’s administrative expenses include:
Cost’s Associated With Face to Face National Council Meetings. National Council typically meets face to face once a year. The meetings are convened on a Saturday and are held in a rented meeting room in a hotel located at the Calgary International Airport. The meetings typically begin at 9:00 AM and are concluded by 4:00 PM. National Council members typically fly in for the meeting and home from the meeting on the same day. CALC covers transportation costs for those attending. National Council meets at other times of the year by telephone conference or internet video conferencing.
Administrative Reimbursement. CALC’s President is a parish pastor and chief executive officer and administrative director of CALC. Our Association reimburses our President’s congregation for the time spent of CALC’s business. CALC also pays for the President’s travel costs associated with CALC’s business. Our secretary also receives a stipend for the important work associated with the office of the Secretary, most especially around conventions and pastors’ retreats.
Costs of Annual Conventions and Pastors’ Retreats. A portion of CALC’s budget is set aside for the costs associated with our Annual General Convention and annual Pastors’ Retreat. These funds are in addition to the registration fees paid by participants. Convention costs also include travel costs and hotel accommodations for National Council members attending CALC’s Annual General Convention.
Seminary Support: CALC financially supports our seminary, the Institute of Lutheran Theology (ILT), of Brookings, South Dakota, USA, through, Institute of Lutheran Theology Canada Society (ILTCS).
Other Costs. CALC incurs other administrative expenses including, governmental fees, fees for marriage registration for our pastors and similar costs for membership in other organizations, including the Canadian Council of Christian Charities (CCCC), internet provider fees, web hosting fees and similar costs.
We are often asked for input from congregations as to how they may calculate their benevolence to CALC. We humbly request that congregations consider donating between 2.5% to 5% of their budget to CALC’s general fund.
restricted designated funds
Additionally, CALC currently has three restricted funds available for direct contribution,
Church Extension Fund. Grants from this fund are made for two primary purposes: (1) planting new mission congregations and (2) revitalizing and renewing existing CALC congregations.
Gathering Fund. Grants from this fund are designed to maximize attendance at CALC's two annual gatherings, the Pastors' Retreat and the General Convention, this fund will provide financial support for travel, where required, by delegates to the General Convention and CALC pastors to the Pastors' Retreat.
Pastor Vern Roste Pastoral Formation Fund. Named after CALC’s founding President, This fund supports CALC’s efforts to provide for faithful Lutheran theological education and development for its pastors and prospective pastors.
To donate
Mail a cheque made out to the Canadian Association of Lutheran Congregations (CALC) to: CALC Treasurer: Helen Zacharias, CALC Treasurer, 890 Gilmour Street, Morden, MB, R6M 1R9
By e-tranfer: to
Via Canada Helps: Click here to donate.