Pastors in Extended Ministry


CALC desires to work with its congregations to provide competent, well-trained persons to serve in these specialized ministries. These activities may include without, limitation, those who wish to serve as: a chaplain in the military or other care ministry; evangelist; missionary; a member of the faculty or the administration of a parochial school, Bible school, Bible college or seminary; and/or administrator in an organization dedicated to evangelism, missionary work and/or the alleviation of poverty and human suffering.

In the process leading to ordination in parish ministry, the church seeks assurance and declares that the prospective pastor possesses the gifts for and is fit for ministry, that is, an apt teacher and preacher and sound in doctrine. The church pays close attention to the person's doctrine, life and preparation for ministry. In the same way, in the process leading to endorsement for Extended Ministry, our Association seeks assurance and declares that the prospective chaplain is fit and gifted for specialized ministry. Our Association seeks assurance that this ministry will be consistent with the Pastor in Extended Ministry's call to serve as minister of the Word and Sacrament, but also seeks evidence of the pastor's suitability to provide pastoral ministry, care and counsel in this specialized setting.

CALC’s Board of Elders receive and act on the application of a pastor to serve any designated inter-synodical, or non-synodical Lutheran or non-Lutheran institution, agency, or activity. The specific terms of the call to Extended Ministry must be outlined in the application for status as a Pastor in Extended Ministry.


CALC’s ministry standards and guidelines for a Parish Pastor are applied in the endorsement of a candidate for Extended Ministry, specifically, the candidate should meet the applicable standards and qualifications. Click here for further information.

Specialized Standards for a Pastor in Extended Ministry

General Provisions: The Board of Elders shall receive and act on the application of a pastor to serve any designated intersynodical, or non-synodical Lutheran or non-Lutheran institution, agency, or activity. These activities may include without, limitation, those who wish to serve as: a chaplain in the military or other care ministry; evangelist; missionary; a member of the faculty or the administration of a parochial school, Bible school, Bible college or seminary; and/or administrator in an organization dedicated to evangelism, missionary work and/or the alleviation of poverty and human suffering. The specific terms of the call to Extended Ministry must be outlined in the application for status as a Pastor in Extended Ministry.

Chaplaincy: This ministry of Word and Sacrament includes not only preaching and teaching, but also the provision of pastoral care and counsel. Pastoral care and counsel ministries are designed not only to provide nurture for believers, but also to give expression to God's love for others as well. Chaplaincy and other care ministries represent some of the many ways the church provides ministry to persons in “special situations" Chaplaincy ministries are found in a wide range of settings such as: institutions (hospitals, prisons, nursing homes, homes for disabled persons, youth homes, rescue missions and other similar care ministries); pastoral counseling centers; hospice programs; substance abuse recovery programs; grief counseling; and the military service. Some military chaplains offer a full parish ministry, while others may exercise special gifts such as counseling, family life programs, and mentorship.

CALC desires to work with its congregations to provide competent, well-trained persons to serve in these specialized ministries. Generally chaplains are ordained clergy, gifted and trained, called by the church, and sent by Jesus Christ to bring the Word and the Sacrament to those in institutional and special life circumstances, which very often include crisis and loss. In the process leading to ordination in parish ministry, the church seeks assurance and declares that the prospective pastor possesses the gifts for and is fit for ministry, that is, an apt teacher and preacher and sound in doctrine. The church pays close attention to the person's doctrine, life and preparation for ministry. In the process leading to endorsement for chaplaincy, our Association seeks assurance and declares that the prospective chaplain is fit and gifted for specialized ministry. Our Association seeks assurance that this ministry will be consistent with the chaplain's call to serve as minister of the Word and Sacrament, but also seeks evidence of the chaplain's suitability to provide pastoral ministry, care and counsel in this specialized setting.

Minimum General Standards for Pastors in Extended Ministry. In granting ecclesiastical endorsement to persons seeking to serve in any Extended Ministry, CALC seeks assurance that the candidate meets minimum standards in the following categories:

  1. Is a member of a CALC congregation or an Individual Associate Member of CALC in good standing.

  2. Education and training specifically related to the Extended Ministry.

  3. Demonstrated competence in prior ministry.

  4. Documented experience in a specialized ministry track.

  5. Professional credentials.

Equivalencies. The list of core standards (paragraphs (b) to (e) above) reflect an attempt to identify predictors of ministry competency and effectiveness. However, a candidate may possess a diversity of life experiences, training and spiritual gifts which are directly applicable to the Extended Ministry. Careful consideration will be given to requests for approval of equivalencies for training, ministry experience and professional credentials. Such requests will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Candidates seeking equivalency will need to demonstrate that their training, education, experience and credentials are in fact equivalent to the standards described.

Ecclesial Endorsement of Pastors in Extended Ministry: Ecclesiastical endorsement is our Association’s means of making an official declaration that a prospective Pastor is considered suitable, fit and apt for a specific Extended Ministry. When CALC’s Board of Elders issues a Letter of Endorsement, the following assurances are offered:

  1. The candidate will be performing a valid ministry under the auspices of or for CALC.

  2. Based upon a review of documented evidence, the candidate has the special training required for this ministry, and is committed to continuing education.

  3. The Candidate is considered suitable for such ministry, based on a review of this person's spiritual gifts, skills, aptitudes and readiness to serve.

  4. The candidate's present or projected professional certification or licensure is approved by the entity or institution granting the same.

  5. The candidate is a member in good standing of CALC and, as such, acknowledges accountability to the ecclesiastical authority of CALC.

  6. The candidate will commit to provide the Board of Elders with an annual report of his/her activities as a pastor in Extended Ministry.

The meaning of endorsement, however, is not limited to the process described above. Endorsement is an on-going process of ministry review in which the Board of Elders, in close cooperation with the employing agency/institution, seeks assurance that our chaplains continue to offer effective and valid ministry consistent with his/her high calling in Christ.

Standards For Chaplains: In granting ecclesiastical endorsement to persons seeking to serve as a Chaplain in an Extended Ministry, CALC seeks assurance that the candidate meets minimum standards in the following categories:

  1. Is a member of a CALC congregation or an Individual Associate Member of CALC in good standing;

  2. Ordination as clergy in good standing.

  3. Graduation from an accredited college or university with a bachelors degree, and seminary with an earned Master of Divinity degree.

  4. A commitment to continued pastoral education.

  5. Minimum two years parish ministry experience.

  6. Minimum two units of CPE or CAPPE (1600 hours of supervised clinical pastoral care or counseling experience relevant to the particular ministry requirement).

  7. Pursuit of certification by an approved professional chaplaincy organization.

Equivalencies. The list of core standards (paragraphs (b) to (g) reflect an attempt to identify predictors of ministry competency and effectiveness. However, a candidate may possess a diversity of life experiences, training and spiritual gifts which are directly applicable to the Extended Ministry. Careful consideration will be given to requests for approval of equivalencies for training, ministry experience and professional credentials. Such requests will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Candidates seeking equivalency will need to demonstrate that their training, education, experience and credentials are in fact equivalent to the standards described.

A Call to Chaplaincy is confirmed when:

  1. An employing agency/institution invites a person to serve as chaplain or to another specialized or Extended Ministry.

  2. The job description has been reviewed and approved by the Board of Elders as a valid expression of the ministry of Word and Sacrament.

  3. The Board of Elders issues an official Letter of Ecclesiastical Endorsement.

Ecclesial Endorsement of Chaplains: Ecclesiastical endorsement is our Association’s means of making an official declaration that a prospective chaplain is considered suitable, fit and apt for a specific Extended Ministry. When CALC’s Board of Elders issues a Letter of Endorsement, the following assurances are offered:

  1. The candidate will be performing a valid ministry on behalf of CALC.

  2. Based upon a review of documented evidence, the candidate has the special training required for this ministry, and is committed to continuing education.

  3. The Candidate is considered suitable for such ministry, based on a review of this person's spiritual gifts, skills, aptitudes and readiness to serve.

  4. The candidate's present or projected professional certification or licensure is approved by the entity or institution granting the same.

  5. The candidate is a member in of CALC and, as such, acknowledges accountability to the ecclesiastical authority of CALC.

The meaning of endorsement, however, is not limited to the process described above. Endorsement is an on-going process of ministry review in which the Board of Elders, in close cooperation with the employing agency/institution, seeks assurance that our chaplains continue to offer effective and valid ministry consistent with his/her high calling in Christ.

Rationale For Endorsement:

  1. Endorsement designates chaplaincy as a valid ministry of the church. It is a reminder that although chaplains usually serve away from the church, they never provide ministry apart from the church. Chaplains are endorsed in order to extend the church's ministry, not their own.

  2. Endorsement confirms that chaplain's call by God to this ministry. Endorsement by the church assures the individual that they have met the required standards for theological and pastoral competence expected of those planning to serve in a specialized setting.

  3. Endorsement is required by most agencies and institutions employing chaplains. By way of example, prospective military chaplains in the Canadian Armed Forces must submit their denominational Letter of Endorsement before they can initiate their application for appointment as an active duty chaplain. The Correctional Service of Canada, the Veteran's Administration, and most other employing agencies/institutions also require proof of ecclesiastical endorsement prior to their offering a contract to a prospective chaplain.

  4. It is a pre-requisite for certification by professional chaplains' organizations, such as: American Association of Pastoral Counselors (AAPC); Association of Clinical Pastoral Education (ACPE); Association of Professional Chaplains (APC); Canadian Association of the Practice of Pastoral Education (CAPPE).

  5. Endorsement embodies an expressed intent for the candidate and CALC to participate in on-going ecclesiastical supervision. This on-going ministry review declares that endorsement is not a one-time decision, but the beginning of a process designed to bring encouragement and support to our chaplains, as well as to hold them accountable to the church for providing effective ministry.

Endorsement for Specialized Ministry is made subject to the following contingencies:

  1. Under Review: When reports from a chaplain or employer indicate that conditions of endorsement or church policy may have been violated, a chaplain’s endorsement will ordinarily be placed under review while these issues are researched and resolved by CALC’s PRP or the Board of Elders. The endorsement remains in effect during the period of and will be re-evaluated at the end of the review period.

  2. Revocation: If it has been determined by the Board of Elders, that the chaplain has violated the conditions of endorsement, such endorsement may be withdrawn. Such revocation normally occurs because of proven unprofessional and/or unethical conduct.

Accountability and Supervision For All Pastors in Extended Minsitry. CALC seeks assurance that our chaplains and other Pastors in Extended ministry are providing effective ministry in ways consistent with their high calling in Christ and their call to serve our Triune God in an Extended Ministry in a specialized setting. Continuation of ecclesiastical endorsement is dependent upon:

  1. Maintenance of a good standing as a member/pastor in the CALC;

  2. Meeting conditions stipulated in a time-limited endorsement;

  3. Documentation of continuing pastoral education;

  4. Submission of an annual ministry report to the Board of Elders

  5. Satisfactory ministry review every three years by the Board of Elders.

Chaplains are involved in the following levels of accountability and supervision:

  1.  Chaplains are supervised by their employing agency/institution. Supervision by the employing agency or institution offers job performance appraisal, with target on quality and competence of the chaplain's professional and clinical work.

  2. Chaplains are supervised by CALC through the Board of Elders. The chaplain will relate to the Board of Elders for supervision. Ecclesiastical supervision offers CALC assurance that the chaplain’s work gives faithful and effective expression of their call to ministry

  3. Chaplains are supervised by the professional certifying organization. The primary focus of the review by the certifying organization is on maintaining ethical conduct, and giving evidence of professional competence and growth.

  4. Chaplains are accountable to CALC, their employer and the professional organization certifying them. If either the Chaplain’s employer or body that certifies him or her of proven ethical, moral or legal violations, Ecclesiastical Approval will be reviewed and may be withdrawn.

Endorsement Process:

  1. Application: The candidate fills out an Application for Entry into Pastoral Ministry in a CALC Congregation. In addition, the candidate is to provide a description of the Extended Ministry the candidate has made application for together with a copy of the job description of the proposed Extended Ministry and any application that the candidate has submitted to the agency or organization seeking the candidates employment in extended ministry plus any and all supporting documents. Applicants are responsible for providing materials requested in application for extended ministry.

  2. Interview. CALC’s Bard of Elders or Pastoral Review Panel (PRP) will review all materials submitted by the candidate. Following this review, an interview will be scheduled between the Board of Elders or the PRP and the candidate at a mutually agreed upon time and place. The candidate is responsible for arranging for all of his or her costs associated with attendance at said interview. If the PRP conducts the interview the results of the interview will be forthwith communicated to the Board of Elders. If the applicant's request for endorsement is approved by a majority of its members, the Board of Elders will issue an official Letter of Ecclesiastical Endorsement and transmit the same to the candidate and the agency or organization requesting the same. In the event that ecclesial endorsement is not given, the candidate and the agency or organization requesting the same will be informed of the same.

  3. Installation: Following approval and endorsement of a call, an appropriate service of installation should be planned to begin the candidate’s new ministry. The service shall be conducted by a member of the Board of Elders (normally the President) on the date, time and place determined by the candidate, the employing agency or organization and the member of the Board of Elders responsible for conducting the service.